Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski

Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski
Dentists Brampton



Indie SAYS!

Some of the benefits of a dental crown/bridge include protecting teeth against further decay or erosion and an improved looking smile. A crown/bridge can help to hide a badly chipped  or discoloured tooth or unsightly looking front tooth. Dental crown/bridge can restore self-confidence and an attractive smile, but there are also significant medical benefits to be gained from a dental crown/bridge. In cases where a patient's teeth have been subject to decay or damage, they could become breeding grounds for oral bacteria, which can lead to other diseases and oral hygiene issues. Having a tooth restored via a dental crown/bridge can alleviate this danger. Aside from having a full dental cleaning, a dental crown/bridge in the right place can ensure that a patient's tooth will not be vulnerable to debilitating oral issues. As a Crown/bridge  restores a patient's smile it also restores the patient's ability to properly chew and speak, both of which can be affected by missing teeth. Effective crown/bridge treatment can help a patient maintain the shape of their face and properly distribute the forces in their bite by replacing missing teeth. Crowns/Bridges can also prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position in the patient's mouth. For further information call our office for the best tooth replacement option for you.


BLOG post by Indie Level 2 Dental Assistant.